
Which Works Best: Invisalign or Braces?

Which Works Best: Invisalign or Braces?

The easy answer to the question Invisalign or braces is that it depends on the individual patient. Your bite, alignment, jaw, and the complexity of your case all impact whether Invisalign or braces will work for you.

The benefits of Invisalign seem obvious to many people considering teeth aligning treatments. They are undetectable when worn; their smooth plastic is not irritating to the mouth; and being removable makes eating, brushing, and flossing easy.

In some cases, braces are actually better suited for an individual. Complex issues require 24-hour treatment that only traditional braces can provide, as they are not removable. Traditional braces rather than Invisalign would better solve issues in bite, rather than alignment of the teeth.

In complex cases, Invisalign may be unable to correct certain problems, at least not initially. They must also be worn vigilantly. Those that are too easily tempted to spend a day without wearing them or to take them out too often may sacrifice the benefits of straight teeth that Invisalign is supposed to provide.

If you want to achieve your desired smile, contact us for a free smile analysis and we’ll help you pick an option that’s right for you!

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